Body-Mind Centering® (BMC) is an innovative approach to movement reeducation which explores the relationship between movement and mind. Based on the embodiment of anatomical, psychological and developmental principles, BMC is an approach to experiencing our living anatomy and a method of movement analysis which can be useful in the creative process.

This workshop will focus on the developmental movement process as a personal and creative movement practice. We will explore the depth and complexity of the developmental movement patterns which reflect our evolutionary roots and form the building blocks for all human movement. Reintegrating these fundamental patterns and principles can increase our freedom, clarity and pleasure in movement.

We’ll experience some of the earliest developmental patterns and their relationship to the support and movement of the breath, fluids and organs. Transitioning from a fluid environment to land, we’ll explore the development of the spine and limbs in relation to gravity and space, finding support and movement from the skeletal structure and sense perceptions.

This workshop is recommended to anyone wishing to deepen their own movement practice. Classes will include integration of the material through hands-on bodywork, Authentic Movement and improvisation.

Cathie Caraker has been developing her approach to New Dance education and performance for 18 years. A choreographer, performer and certified Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering®, she teaches and performs her work widely across Europe and the Americas. She is a regular guest in dance programs including Movement Research (NYC), Moving On Center (San Francisco) and USINA (Brasilia). She currently lives in Amsterdam, where she is on the faculty of the School for New Dance Development.